Monday, May 13, 2002

job search

I'd like a job that pays about $40K a year, or more. It needs to involve some mixture of writing and editing, or I'll go insane. It doesn't have to be for a Christian ministry -- I actually haven't done that since I was a missionary, and see working in the "secular" world as advantageous in many ways -- and there is no way under God's blue heaven I can see myself working for Benny "Little Jehovah" Hinn or another of his ilk, given various biblical injunctions about having nothing to do with such men.

A lot of flexibility otherwise. Big Idea's H.R. department called my resume "impressive," but immediately followed up that word with the conjunction "unfortunately" and the independent clause "we have no jobs that match someone with your interests and skills," even though I had applied for a position that did match those skills and was posted on their web site.

But I'm not bitter. (The fiends.)

As for technical writing, I've done some on a free-lance basis. While I won't say it's the best way to spend an evening (or even an afternoon), it beats the pants off seeing my kids go hungry. I would do it if I could get a job doing it.

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