Thursday, May 04, 2006

i'm back

After about two months of limited e-mail access, it looks like I'm back in the game.
Back in March, I started having trouble sending e-mail. I could receive it all right, but sending it kept generating an error. I figured at first that it was a technical glitch and would go away in time. It didn't, and about a week ago, even webmail stopped working. I began to suspect a virus was to blame.
Lo and behold, it now appears that the perfidy keeping me from full e-mail access is nothing more than increased security at the university regarding who uses their Internet servers. Natasha, who gets us free dial-up Internet access through her job at the university, had got an e-mail about back when the problem started but didn't see the relevance, since she does most of her e-mail at work. She only put the pieces together a couple days ago, when I remarked in some detail about the frustrations of not being able to use e-mail any more. (Yes, it really can take a while for something to aggravate me substantially, especially when my daily life doesn't depend on it.)
So today Natasha sent me the e-mail, which contains information on how to update the security stuff in Outlook Express. I read it, made a few changes, and voila, I'm back in the game.
This explains why my blog updates have been so few and far between of late. I prefer to update via e-mail, a much faster and easier method than the WYSIWYG interface.

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