Monday, April 22, 2002

probably going to hell

Who wouldn't want to support a good cause and make the world a better place?

That was the idea behind a call I got today from the Bible League, asking if we would be willing to contribute money to providing Bibles for Chinese Christians. After listening politely to the caller's brief explanation of what the league is doing, I explained that I've been out of work since Oct. 2 and therefore don't have the money to support their work at this moment.

But, I added, my wife and I are engaged in a very important bit of ministry ourselves. We're providing food, shelter, a home and a family to a foster child suffering severe developmental delays. If the Bible League would be willing to support our work there, we would greatly appreciate it and would guarantee the money would be well spent.

I've never heard anyone get off the line so quickly. It appears making the world a better place isn't for everyone.

Copyright © 2002 by David Learn. Used with permission.

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