Monday, April 15, 2002

the termite saga continues

Well, the county extension agent was less helpful than I had hoped. In fact, of the two of us, he gained more from the conversation since he now has decided not to use wooden pallets to frame his compost pile. He had never heard of such a problem in the area and had no advice to give except to get rid of the wooden pallets.

I did some research and asked over at Rodale's Organic Gardening forum, and the general consensus seems to be that I should a) get rid of the wooden pallets; and b) scatter wildflower seeds around the compost pile. The flowers will attract ants, and the ants will fight the termites to the death since the two species do not get along.

(The termites apparently are in the compost pile only for warmth and/or moisture, since the pile is pretty much finished and contains nothing of interest to them.)

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