Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Dear Pat: Please sit down and be quiet

Dear Pat Robertson:

I feel kind of odd telling a minister he should surrender his pulpit, but there are times that even the most awkward things become necessary.

Case in point, a recent petition asking you to stop saying stupid things on national TV. I've written before about this problem of yours. I have my doubts as to how effective electronic petitions really are, especially with someone who appears to believe that everything he says reflects the will and attitude of God, but we must embrace quixotic causes at times, especially if we want to survive life here in the shadowlands.

And of course, there are other problems with attitudes you've expressed over the years, such as the theme park you want to open is Israel to cash in on the Christians who go to the Holy Land hoping to walk the same part of the world where Christ once trod. "The Holy Land Experience," I believe you've called itt. Do we really need a 125-acre site exploiting people's faith? I can't see the wisdom in this, although I'm sure there are many can see the dollar signs lining up.

So, yes, Pat, I agree with the author of the petition. You undoubtedly have accomplished some good things for Christ in the many years you've been in the ministry, but at this point you've become a caricature with apparently nothing useful or meaningful left to say. 

Please sit down, and please be quiet.

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