Friday, January 31, 2003

editorial contest

I'm not sure why I feel compelled to share this, but today I initiated a contest among several editors and writers at WCN Newspapers.

As we write our editorials and columns this week, we are making an effort to use the names of as many comic strips as we can without forcing it. A sample might read: "For better or for worse, the county has chosen to initiate this program. The $3 million of seed money might seem like peanuts compared to the overall budget, and to be fair, it surely will jump start the recovery process for this sector."

And so on. The winner is the one who gets the most comic strip names into print next week, meaning they'll have to pass through the review process of our higher-ups, who know nothing about the contest.

Somehow I doubt we'll see references to strips like "Get Fuzzy" or "Apartment 3-G."

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