Saturday, January 18, 2003

pushy s.o.b. telemarketer

I had an experience with a telemarketer Thursday night I still don't believe.

This fellow called at 7 p.m. from some travel agency in Princeton. As soon as he identified himself I gave him my standard line: "Please take our name off your calling list."

He launched into his sales pitch anyway, saying, "Well sir, if you'll just hear me out, I'm sure you'll be very happy --"

"I'd be happier," I said, "if you take my name off your calling list."

A telemarketer shortly after her daily lunch of innocent children
"Of course, sir, but I wanted to let you know that you've been selected for a free --"

"I said I would like you to take my name off your calling list."

"Well, if you'll just hear me out --"

"Get me your manager," I said. The blockhead kept going on and I had to say "NOW!" to get through to him.

I've never had a more unbelievable experience. It's bad enough their business is annoying, and even worse that they call during dinner time. As I told the manager, this guy's willfully ignoring me three times was unprofessional, way too aggressive, and just plain rude. I'm guaranteed the right to have my name removed from a calling list under the Telephone Consumers Act, which is supposed to be a signal for them to end their call.

The manager removed my number, and I told her I wanted disciplinary action taken against the caller. She said she would take care of it, but I doubt anything happened beyond "Don't do that again. You never know when one of these people is going to be oversensitive and freak out."


Copyright © 2003 by David Learn. Used with permission.

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