Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Cerveza is one of several words I added to my Spanish vocabulary, owing to a just-completed trip to Isla Hobox, a small island in the state of Quintana Roo, Mexico, to celebrate the wedding of my brother-in-law and his new wife. (Hoping this marriage works out better than their first ones.)

While I was there, I sampled Mexican cuisine of all sorts, including what Friar Tuck once called "a holier way" to consume grain. The big brands on the island, and probably throughout Mexico, are Sol and Dos Equis.

Gringo that I am, I was very unimpressed with each of them. Give me a pint of Sam Adams in all its bitterness any day, or give me a can of Iron City when it's time for la cerveza. But no more Sol or Dos Equis, por favor. No me gustan.

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