Wednesday, March 26, 2003

i'm a liberal

Consider the following points:
  • I've been a registered Democrat since I turned 18.
  • Although I voted against Gore in 2000, and against Clinton in 1996, I can honestly say I've never thought the Republicans put up a viable candidate either time. Unfortunately, no one else did either.
  • I've been a professional journalist for seven years, and frequently have been criticized by the local Republicans for favoring Democrats.
  • I have problems with tax cuts that target the rich.
  • I oppose the war in Iraq.
  • I listen to NPR.
  • I see no problem with gay and unmarried heterosexual couples getting the same benefits from employers that married heterosexual couples get from their employers.
  • I think newspapers generally do a good job at being fair.
  • I think hate crime legislation should include gays and lesbians; actually, I think it should be expanded to include any crime where hate based on "otherness" was a motivating factor.
  • I view deficit spending as irresponsible.
  • When I taught science at a Christian school, I made sure my students understood evolutionary theory.
  • I believe that the poor and disenfranchised have a special place in the economy of God and that it is incumbent on those of us with wealth to take care of those in need.
  • I view unregulated capitalism as a bad thing that leads to the aggregation of wealth and power in the hands of a select few while leaving the masses exploited, poor and powerless.
  • I'm all for racial integration and interracial marriage.
  • I would say that many social ills exist because the church has failed to live up to its calling.
  • I oppose drilling for oil in the Arctic Wildlife Refuge and would like to see more done to develop alternative fuel sources.
  • Bush has really embarassed me as an American with his environmental record, rejecting the Kyoto Protocol; with his unilateral approach to foreign policy; and his strong pro-industry stand on just about everything.
  • I not only eat organic food, I grow my own organic vegetables.
  • I would have bought a hybrid car last week if we could have afforded it.
  • Lastly, as a liberal, I accept wholeheartedly the creed "It's all my fault."

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