Monday, February 11, 2002

i didn't marry my mother

Do other guys get an odd feeling when they get married and find that their girlfriend now has their mother's name? ("I'm married to Mrs. Learn? But that's mom!") I can't speak for other guys, but that particular problem has never arisen for me, even though my parents are still together after 34 years and four sons.

It was difficult for me to think of my wife as "Natasha Learn" instead of "Natasha Henson," but that has come with familiarity and practice. My sister-in-law Rhonda, however, I still call "Baz" since her maiden name was Bazzo.

I did find it a difficult adjustment to make when I became a teacher and everyone started calling me "Mr. Learn." After all, that was my father's name. The sobriquet soon grew on me, though, and I now introduce myself to small children as "Mr. Learn" and actually instruct my daughter in the ways of Mr. and Mrs.

Never thought of myself as a traditional sort of guy, but it DOES seem more respectful than having her call adults by their first name. I make an exception for friends who become Mr./Mrs./Miss or in the case of close friends, Aunt/Uncle.

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